01525 288 532 info@petpiggies.co.uk


Pet a Pet Pig day video


Petpiggies ‘Pet a Pet Pig’ Days

Many thanks to those who attended our first ‘Pet a Pet Pig’ days.

We hope you enjoyed time with our piggies and learning about many issues surrounding pigs in general.

Given the positive feedback already received, we will be organising further petting days in the future.

If you’d like to join us on a ‘Pet a Pet Pig’ day you can email your interest to info@petpiggies.co.uk and we’ll get in touch as soon as dates are confirmed.

Petpiggies Micro Pigs - ‘Pet A Pet Pig’ days

Petpiggies Micro Pigs - ‘Pet A Pet Pig’ days

Petpiggies Micro Pigs at Joules Spring / Summer Press Launch

Joules craft the highest quality clothing designed to capture the true essence of British heritage and style, visit www.joules.com

The Press Launch of Joules Spring / Summer Collection was held at The Hospital Club in Covent Garden and Petpiggies micro pigs were lucky enough to be invited along for a sneak preview and a chance to join in with the excitement and anticipation of seeing Joules latest creations